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How to Train Your Dragon PEZ Hiccup & Toothless

How to Train Your Dragon PEZ Hiccup & Toothless

نجم تهامه
Many of us have been excited since the news hit back in November 2017 that we would see the two main characters from the movie made into PEZ.  
How to Train Your Dragon 3 
is set to hit theaters in March 2019.
This will be the third movie in the franchise and is a continuation 
of Hiccup and his Dragon Toothless adventures. 

Hey PEZ if you see this,
we would love to see the Dragon Line up grow, we wish Astrid and Stormfly would be added to the PEZ Dragon's assortment.
Pretty Please :) 
Europe Release- October/November 2018 
USA Release- 2019
Happy Collecting!

Photo: Facebook Pezmania Group

Picture from the Sweet & Snack Expo
Movie Tailer

Photo: IMDB
How to Train Your Dragon 

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