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Gatineau Park gets ready for winter

Gatineau Park gets ready for winter

#Gatineau Park
نجم تهامه

It’s almost time to put your hiking boots & roller skates away as the National Capital Commission (NCC) announces the closure of the Gatineau Park parkways for the season.

The Gatineau, Champlain, Fortune Lake & Philippe Lake parkways will close on Sunday October 28 at 6 p.m. The Luskville Falls access road will also close at this same time.

As soon as the snow flies and the trails have been groomed, the park will be open to skiing, snowshoeing, snow biking and winter camping.

As of November 1, the NCC will be taking reservations for those wanting to camp in Gatineau Park. 
Season passes for skiers, bikers & snowshoe enthusiasts are now on sale at a discounted rate (until November 4).

The Mackenzie King Estate will remain open all winter with access via Barnes Road.

For more information click here
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