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Armistice Day Barky PEZ set from Poor Paws + 50 Limited Barky's

Armistice Day Barky PEZ set from Poor Paws + 50 Limited Barky's

نجم تهامه
We saw not long ago that a set of Limited Barky's was released in honor of Armistice Day marking 100 years since the end of World War one.  A third Barky was released to honor the animals lost during the war.  Barky features a purple poppy and is limited to 50 pieces made. Below is the message sent to collectors. We love the new additions to our ever growing Barky collections and we thank everyone at Poor Paws for their dedication to helping animals! 
You are all AWESOME!!
PEZ on!

All profits go to Save Our Strays which helps with rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming unwanted dogs and cats. We would like to introduce to you our new fundraising Barky pez dispenser set Armistice Day. These are a Limited Edition of 100 marking 100 years of the end of World War 1.These are a set of 2 Barky's Solid Gold and Solid Silver printed with a red poppy. There is also a Limited Edition of 50 Gold Barky with a Purple Poppy these were made to remember those animals that were also lost in the war. These offers will only be available until 14th December 2018
Kind Regards
From Down Under


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