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BYE BYE 2018! Our Official 2018 PEZ & POP PEZ Pictorial's

BYE BYE 2018! Our Official 2018 PEZ & POP PEZ Pictorial's

نجم تهامه
Hi Pez Palz!
As 2018 is winding down, here is our pictorial of official PEZ & POP PEZ
made for the year.  
This Year's our PEZ pictorials feature

121 PEZ dispensers, (incl. variations)
15 Barky & Barkina dispensers, 
16 Convention/Gathering dispensers <> official made by PEZ, and 
75 POP PEZ dispensers by Funko.

2018 was fantastic, we have had lots of new PEZ releases, 
surprises and variations to look for.
We would love if our list can help you to find the missing 
PEZ dispensers, Gift sets and POP PEZ :)

Thanks for a great year of PEZ!!!
We wish you all a peaceful holiday season & 
a very happy new year!

you can find our pictorials from 
2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
Our full Barky pictorial can be found here

Thank you for all the great pictures!

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