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It's time to sharpen your skates!

It's time to sharpen your skates!

نجم تهامه

Rideau Canal Skateway in downtown Ottawa. Photo: Peter Dudley

The National Capital Commission (NCC) in Ottawa announces the opening of the 49th season of the Rideau Canal Skateway.

A 2.7 km stretch between Pretoria Bridge and the Bank Street Bridge will officially open on Sunday morning to skaters.

The cold weather has allowed work crews to get the ice ready for the skating public one week earlier than last year.

If the cold weather continues, the entire 7.8 km skate way will open shortly.

If you don't have your own skates you can rent them here.

Approximately 21,000 people per day visit the Rideau Canal Skateway – a UNESCO World Heritage Site, according to the NCC.

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