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Easter is coming with 5 new PEZ dispensers for us...

Easter is coming with 5 new PEZ dispensers for us...

نجم تهامه
Of course it would be a lie if we did not say we would love to 
see a revival of the long ear bunny :) 
But we are also very happy with the new PEZ Easter assortment 
that has partly started to hit shelves in stores across the US.
Easter 2019 will bring us 5 new dispensers for our collections. 
This includes a totally new 
full body chick and bunny in regular size, 
and the same heads on mini stem from the Easter Eggs.
The lovely PEZ Egg number 8 is almost here, 
and same as the past years the egg will 
only be available in the tube.
Thank you MoMopez and PEZ Candy Inc. for the pictures.
We are sure they all will look perfect in all the Easter baskets ;D
Happy Collecting!
New Easter Fizzy drops for Europe from PEZ International

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