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2018/19 Newsblog Term 4 Week 4

2018/19 Newsblog Term 4 Week 4

نجم تهامه
Hello All
Another exciting week of learning and exploring at Tadpole!  Just a short blog this week.

In the blog this week:-
Term 4 dates
Drop Zone  
YR Parents Update
Headlice Are Around!
Y2 Change to Swimming
School Photos
Y3 Trip
Book Fayre Update
Red Nose Day Update
This Week's Book Recommendations

Term 4  - 2018/19   
Selected Y5 children to take part in Mini Police sessions   
Y5/6 Parents invited to join us as the pupils in Y5/6 lead our worship on the value of Service. (note earlier time is due to footballers needing to leave for away game)

‘Show me’ sessions –   
Monday 1/4 classrooms open 3:30 – 5:30; Tuesday 2/4 classrooms open 3:30 – 4:30    
Children in YN times are:    
Tuesday & Thursday 8.40-9.10 for those in morning sessions and 12.20-12.50 for afternoon sessions.     
Parental access to Tapestry for YN and YR children and Seesaw for Y1/2/3/4/5 children until end of February holiday.

School Photos - see below

Last day of term 4 – normal finish time    - please note the children will be taking part in an Easter Service and we will put photos on the website so they can share what happens with you.  Parents have been or will be invited to specific services during the year as previously mentioned.

School closed – Easter holiday   
Monday 22/4/19 is a Bank Holiday   

Offer Day for YR September starters   

Children return to school – Tuesday   

Drop Zone
Following some concerns raised by parents and staff I have been asked to remind everyone that the Drop Zone opens at 8:30 a.m. and until that time your child must be supervised by you or an adult with whom you have made that arrangement, even if the are within the black fencing that denotes the front boundary of school. Only those children whose parents have signed permission to walk to school alone forms should be on the school site before 8:30 am without an adult. Older siblings should not be left to care for younger siblings for whom we do not have signed permission. Thank you for your support with this.

YR Parents Update
Please note that children in funky ferrets and funky fish groups will be going on their welly walk on Tuesday 30th April instead of Tuesday 2nd April.
In the Summer term, Reception will only be using the Drop Zone at the front of school in the mornings to support transition into year 1 so if you want to trial using it in the last 2 weeks of this term, then feel free. One of the teachers will be on the Reception Classroom Entrance door still for the next two weeks and one of us will be on the Drop Zone.
Reception will be learning all about the animal kingdom during the 2nd summer term. As part of this topic they will be visiting a farm to add to their excitement and enhance their learning! They will be able to go on a tractor ride, explore the grounds and handle and feed some of the animals. All consent and payment details on parent pay. Anyone who would be willing to help out at the trip should contact the school office. Volunteers will need a DBS check so if you require one we have time to organise beforehand hopefully!

Headlice Are Around!
Please be aware that we have had incidents of headlice in Hedgehogs class this week.
We would advise and be grateful if you could please check your child’s hair this weekend and treat as necessary.

Y2 Change to Swimming
Many apologies to all Y2 parents but we have had to change swimming due to temporary closure of the Sports Centre.  A new letter with new dates has been emailed to you and parent pay amended to show £22.50 - if you have paid already then a refund will have been processed.

School Photos
A reminder that it’s school photos on Tuesday 2nd April. Nursery parents of children not due in this day are welcome to bring their child to take part in a picture about 1.15pm.

Y3 Trip
As part of our topic for term 4 and 5 we have organised an exciting opportunity for the children in year 3 to visit ‘ We the Curious’ in Bristol on Monday 29th April. Whilst we are there the children will get to experience the Field Forces Science Show extending their knowledge on forces from this term. Alongside this the children will gain a variety of different experiences  where they can interact with exhibits and take part in some exciting experiments.
All consent and payment details are on Parent pay.

Book Fayre Update

The book fayre did well (even if we were short of space to put it) and we sold nearly £700 worth of books. This gives us over £370 to use for books in school  - more details on this to follow.
Many thanks to all those who came along to support the event. or gave up their time to run it

Red Nose Day Update

Sainsbury's will recycle red noses so if parents want to drop them back to school we can organise a run over there. Our Eco-committee will be pleased!

This Week's Book Recommendations


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