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New PEZ Easter eggs & Peppa Pig & PJ Masks Maxi Bags now at KIK...

New PEZ Easter eggs & Peppa Pig & PJ Masks Maxi Bags now at KIK...

نجم تهامه
Good news for all our PEZ friends who 
collect special packaging,
and for those who just want to add
a new collector's item to their PEZ room.
Two new PEZ maxi bags and 
the new Easter mini eggs with mini chick and mini bunny 
have been found at the
KIK (textil discounter) stores across Austria and Germany.
On to the next KIK...
PEZ MAXI BAGS filled with:
1 PEZ Dispenser
6 PEZ Fruit Candies
5 PEZ Cola Candies
30g PEZ Fizzy Fruit Mix
10 PEZ Fizzy Rolls


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