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Thanos & Captain Marvel new for our PEZ Universe...

Thanos & Captain Marvel new for our PEZ Universe...

نجم تهامه
Back in the late 70's Thor, Captain America, Spider-Man and the
Incredible Hulk conjure up our PEZ Superhero Universe.
Steadily and over many years, with different variations, 
our MARVEL PEZ collection has increased.
Soon again, and just in time for Marvel's latest 
Blockbuster Captain Marvel,  we can add two new dispensers 
to our Collection.
Of course matching the movie 
and the long-awaited 
are ready to hit the stores. (USA only)
Not only will the dispensers be available as singles, we will also see 
two great looking new twin packs, including Ant Man and Black Panther.
The hunt is on :D 
Happy Collecting!
Some Marvel PEZ dipsensers from the past.

Thank you MOMOPEZ and PEZ Candy Inc. for the pictures.

Captain Marvel Movie Trailer
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