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NEW Toy Story PEZ found at Hobby Lobby

NEW Toy Story PEZ found at Hobby Lobby

نجم تهامه
Lucky Collector Paul H. found the new Buzz Light Year, Woody and the NEW Little Bo Peep at Hobby Lobby in the USA.
Buzz and Woody are new variations to the previous Toy Story releases.  
Buzz is now on a white stem instead of a green stem and has a new skin tone. Woody has a new "deer in the headlights" look and a bigger smile . We have been anxiously waiting for the Toy Story 4 PEZ releases and now it looks like they will be in stores sooner than later and we can't wait to add them to our collections! Time to start looking!
Happy Hunting!
BIG Thank You to Paul Edward Harnett for the Photos & Story!
Thank you for the AWESOME PEZ database!

Watch the Toy Story 4 Movie Trailer 
vvvv here vvvv


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