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The new TOY STORY 4 PEZ assortment for Europe and USA

The new TOY STORY 4 PEZ assortment for Europe and USA

نجم تهامه
Finally, they are back!
This June we will see the return of
Buzz Lightyear,
Little Bo Peep 
and all the other main characters from Toy Story.
It's been a long nine-years wait for fans since the third instalment of the film series.
This time, the porcelain shepherdess Little Bo Peep will play a leading role: after being absent from the last film, Woody and Buzz set out to look for her.

With the latest and various releases by PEZ in the US and Europe, we 
are happy to share with you, the pictures and releases information.
Buzz and Woody are new variations to the previous Toy Story releases.  

Buzz is now on a white stem instead of a green stem and has a new skin tone. Woody has a new "deer in the headlights" look and a bigger smile.
Little Bo Peep, has been added to the Toy Story assortment.
USA release
Our USA friends will also find two gift twin packs, with Woody and Little Bo Peep and a second one with Buzz Lightyear and a mini Alien PEZ dispenser.
Euro release
The new TOY STORY 4 PEZ assortment will be in Europe also available, 
it will vary from country to country how many characters will be
obtainable (3 to 6 dispensers possible).
Happy Collecting.

Thank you PEZ Candy Inc. and PEZ International for the pictures :)


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