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2018/19 Newsblog Term 5 Week 4

2018/19 Newsblog Term 5 Week 4

نجم تهامه
Hello All
Thank you for the support you gave to the children for our first ever Y6 SAT week and our Y2 SAT week and a huge thank you to the staff  and catering team for the lovely SATs breakfasts for Y6. The children did their best, which is all we ask, and were calmly and positively supported by the the whole staff team.  
In the blog this week:-
Term 5/6 dates
Prayer Space at Tadpole Farm
Update: Class Photos
Football Match Report
Welcome New Parents
Message for Year R Parents
Update on Y6 Trip
Staff News
Book Recommendations for this week
Things to do in the Community

Term 5 - 2018/19   

Y5 and Y6 Trip

End of term 5
Term 6

Return to school for term 6
4/6 & 5/6

Prayer Space 2019- details below
Pentecost Service led by Y5
Y5 parents are invited to join us
Church at Tadpole Farm - see below
10/6- 14/6

Phonics Screening Week

Year 5/6 visit to New College for Computing Workshops

Dress down day for FOTF Fayre- details to be confirmed

YR Trip to Roves Farm
Parent Induction Meeting for YN

Staff training day- school closed to children
24/6- 28/6

Sports week.
Children to wear PE kit to school every day.

Sports Day- Details to be confirmed
Parent Induction Meeting for YR

EYFS Worship about Compassion
Parents of children in EYFS are invited to join us.
Year 2 parents invited to a taster session of school dinners- details on Parent Pay
11:30- 14:00
School Fayre

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Y4 Trip to Oxenwood

Y1 trip to Bristol Zoo

KS2 End of Year Performance- Times to be confirmed
15:30- 17:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6
15:30- 16:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6 excluding Y2

Y2 Trip to Wild Place - so will not be doing Show Me Session on 16/7
Provisional date for Mini Police Certificates Assembly
End of Year Worship
If fine, we will be outside and all parents are invited to join us.
If wet, we will be inside and it will be Tadpole Farm children and staff only (as insufficient space in hall)

Prayer Space at Tadpole Farm
Members of St Andrew’s are really looking forward to running a prayer space at school again this summer and it’s not just the pupils who will be able to experience it.  The same activities will be available at Church at Tadpole Garden Village at 4pm on Sunday 9th June.  Please come along to try out the ways of praying the children will have experienced during the week or drop in after school on Tuesday 4th June until 4pm.
A Prayer Space is an increasingly popular way for schools to give children the opportunity to engage in the spiritual side of life.  There will be 6 different ways of praying and things to pray for and each child will have the opportunity to try them all. To find out more about the impact Prayer Spaces have had on children across the country visit the national website.  Our activities are based on the value for term 5, Truthfulness.
Also this year all children in Years 4, 5 and 6 will be bringing home a Family Prayer Adventure map to encourage you to join in the international prayer movement ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ from 30th May to 9th June.  The map is a fun way to talk to God and grow together as a family and it even has a sheet of stickers to use.  If your child is younger than year 4 and you would like a copy of the map, please let me know and I’ll send you one.

Revd. Sally Robertson
07588 594410

Update: Class Photos
All orders for class photos have gone down to classes and hopefully made it home now.  Any queries please check with class teacher first then contact school office. Thank you.

Football Match Report
Ever since the girls represented the school in a football tournament back in February they have spent most lunchtimes pestering me for the chance to play some more matches so for a post SATS treat, the year 6 girls with the help of some of the year 5s went and represented the school against Abbeymeads.
The game was a great test for the girls and they battled well against a good Abbeymeads team. Angel scored a cracking goal and all the girls worked well together and showed a great team spirit through out and throughly enjoyed their experience as a team. Well done girls excellent effort!
Miss Wood

Welcome New Parents
Welcome to all the families who have been offered places with us from September 2019. The emails we have for  our new September 2019 YN and YR starters have been added to our system so you can begin to receive information about the school.  The induction dates to the diary which is accessible via the website -

Message for Year R Parents
The children have asked if we could have a pirate  'Dress up as a Pirate' day next Friday 24th May as they would like to put on a party for Pirate Pete.  A notice has been put up outside the classroom and please ask the staff if you have any queries.

Update on Y6 Trip
Just a reminder,  the Y6 Warner Brothers Harry Potter trip is Monday 20th May and children need to be in school 7.45am and are expected to be back in school for 4pm latest.  Children need packed lunch and spending money - info previously shared.

Absences from school for holidays
Just a reminder that we do not authorise term time holidays except in exceptional circumstances.  Could we please ask that all families avoid any holidays in May/June - we often have assessments running in May and June and the children prefer to do things with their peers rather than on their own on their return from holiday.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Staff News
This week will be Mrs Smith's last week in school before she begins her maternity leave - we wish her and her family well with this exciting next stage in their lives. YN class will be covered, for the days Mrs Smith was leading the class, by Mrs Dix, who has taken the class each Wednesday this academic year, supported by Miss Kaja and Mrs Kilby, both of whom already work with the class. This way the children will spend term 6 with adults with whom they are familiar.
This week will also be Mrs Longhurst's last week in school until the end of term 6 as her family has an exciting development too. They will be taking on Special Guardianship for a baby nephew of theirs and will be off in term 6 to settle him in to their family. We wish them all well with this new member of their family. Mrs Longhurst's class will be covered for term 6 by Mrs Flynn and then Mrs Holt, when she returns at the end of June, at the start of the week and Mrs Brock at the end of the week. The children know Mrs Brock very well as she leads YR learning one day during the week already and Mrs Flynn and Mrs Holt have spoken to the teaching team so they are aware of the needs of all the children. The rest of the teaching team will be there to support all the children as usual.
Mr Spencer is due back next term; he has been in most of last week and will be in some of the coming week. He is recovering well and we are all looking forward to him being back.

Book Recommendations for this week

Things to do in the Community

Don't forget we have the Premier Holiday Camp running at Tadpole again this holiday - bookings

Job Vacancy with Edwards and Ward, our caterers. 
Catering assistant for busy school kitchen in Swindon (Tadpole Farm School)
Immediate start - once clear DBS has been returned from local authorities
16 hours per week, term time only
To help and support in all areas of the main school kitchen
To assist the kitchen manager in all food preparation and service
Clearing and cleaning of dining hall, equipment and kitchen.
Some manual handling (putting out / away tables and chairs) therefore must not suffer from any neck, back or shoulder problems
£8.21 per hour (working hours 09:30 / 10:00 -13:00 / 13:30 – to be agreed with kitchen manager)
Please see Pippa in kitchen if interested. 

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