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What will the 2019 Sweets & Snacks Expo bring us?

What will the 2019 Sweets & Snacks Expo bring us?

نجم تهامه
sure our PEZ World is going crazy since Friday, 
while we all are trying to get the VC POPPEZ girl, 
a new PEZ week is coming and that will 
bring amazing surprises for us.
On the one hand, PEZ International has announced the new 
Cactus dispensers for Monday and on the other hand, 
one of the most important events of the year for us 
PEZ Collectors is almost here.
On Tuesday, the doors will open again for the 
2019 NCA Sweets and Snacks Expo 
in Chicago, which is a big moment for PEZ Candy Inc. 
who supplies the American and Canadian markets.
The point is to present the PEZ products and the line-up 
for 2019/2020, making contacts, obtain new licenses, 
and of course to negotiate new contracts.

What can we expact?
Not only that we will see many new releases soon,
 it will also show us what PEZ Candy Inc. will bring to 
the retails for the next few seasons.
We are very excited, will we get to see the new 
FROZEN dispensers, 
how about the new Star Wars Tin and dispensers?
Which new series will PEZ surprise us with?
What will we see in stores for 
Valentines, Easter, Halloween and Christmas 2020???

At this moment only one thing is clear, 
there will be again a limited edition PEZ dispenser, 
which PEZ Candy Inc. has exclusively produced for the fair only, 
and will give out for guests at the fair.
If the rumors are true, then we will see 
fabulous and special and that means
 it will not be a ball, a puck, or a truck :)
Stay tuned PEZ PALZ
marvelous PEZ days are coming...
soon we will know more about everything...

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