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2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 1

2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 1

نجم تهامه
Hello All
I know I’ve said it before but time flies by so fast when you’re involved with a school and here we are already at Term 6 - the term of sports week, summer fayre, performances and for us, for the first time ever, a Y6 Leavers service… yet another tradition to get started and put in place.  This term will see our Year 6 pupils in their Leavers Hoodies for all of July - part funded by FOTF - as the plans that will be in place for when your child gets to Y6. The Summer Fayre is another tradition already in place and its success relies on the whole school community working together - volunteers are essential so, whatever you can give in terms of time and support, please see below - WE NEED YOU!  This coming Friday is wear your own clothes day in exchange for a donation for the summer fayre - more information below.

In the blog this week:-

Term 6 dates
This term’s value - Compassion
FOTF Summer Fayre News
Sports Week - help needed
Message for Y6 Parents - Hoodies, ‘Secondary’ Week & Bikeability
Message for Y5 Parents - Bikeability, Fencing, Martial Arts and Languages Day
Message for YN Parents - Forest School
Plastic Boxes Request
Book Recommendations for this week
Things to do in the Community

Term 6 - 2018/19   
10/6- 14/6

Phonics Screening Week

Year 5/6 visit to New College for Computing Workshops

Wear your own clothes non-uniform day for FOTF Fayre- details below

YR Trip to Roves Farm
Parent Induction Meeting for YN

Staff training day- school closed to children
24/6- 28/6

Sports week.
Children to wear PE kit to school every day.

Sports Day- Details to be confirmed
Parent Induction Meeting for YR

EYFS Worship about Compassion
Parents of children in EYFS are invited to join us.
Year 2 parents invited to a taster session of school dinners- details on Parent Pay
11:30- 14:00
FOTF Summer Fayre - see below

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Y4 Trip to Oxenwood

Y1 trip to Bristol Zoo

KS2 End of Year Performance- Times to be confirmed
15:30- 17:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6
15:30- 16:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6 excluding Y2

Y2 Trip to Wild Place - so will not be doing Show Me Session on 16/7
Provisional date for Mini Police Certificates Assembly
End of Year Worship
If fine, we will be outside and all parents are invited to join us.
If wet, we will be inside and it will be Tadpole Farm children and staff only (as insufficient space in hall)

This term’s value - Compassion
The Christian value we are studying this term  is ‘Compassion’. In worship, we have been thinking how we can show compassion and kindness to one another. We have been recognising when friends at school need us to listen and act with compassion. We have also been remembering how nations show compassion to other nations at times of disaster or need by sending money and volunteers to help. If you have an opportunity to explore this value together as a family there are some ideas, facts and challenges in the extracts below.

FOTF Summer Fayre News
Wear Your Own Clothes day - Friday 14th June - In return for a small donation all children have a wear your own clothes day on Friday 14th June!
YN, YR, Y1 and Y2 will all be receiving a cup on Monday to fill for the Cup Tombola at the Summer Fayre.
Please fill with party bag toys, small wrapped sweets, small bags of Haribo, toy cars, pens, pencils or crayons! Anything that will fit!
Although please remember No Nuts or unwrapped food/sweets.
Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6
Donations of bottles please.
Wine, beer, squash, water, even tomato sauce! As long as its in a bottle we will happily take it!

Can you help?  The Summer Fayre is fast approaching, if anyone is available to support the event please follow the link to sign up, without volunteers these events just can't happen. We really appreciate any time you can give!
We are also after a few bits for various stalls, please get in touch if you have any of the following:
  • Bottle bags/Gift bags of any size
  • 4 large packing boxes
  • Packing foam
Are you a small business?  We are having a shopping arcade at this years Summer Fayre and still have a couple of spots available, £15 per pitch, you are required to bring your own table and be on site from 10:30am to set up.
We would love it if your company would also donate a small prize to go into our raffle.
Please email to book not the school office.

Raffle Tickets  Parent Pay tickets sales will open on Monday 10th June and will close at 12 noon on Friday 21st. £5 per book of 5 tickets.
Raffle Prizes: Star Prize - Acer Chromebook
2nd Prize - Children's Fitbit
3rd Prize - VTech Kidizoom Action Camera.
Lots of wonderful hampers including a Pamper Hamper and Children's Activity Hamper and many more!
The draw for the raffle will take place at the Summer Fayre on Saturday 29th June at 13:30pm. Raffle tickets will be sent home with your child on Friday 21st June, please ensure you complete your details on the ticket stubs and post in the red post box in the school main office entrance.

Tokens for the Summer Fayre  Parent Pay token sales will open on Monday 10th June and will close at 12 noon on Friday 21st.  Tokens for use on all stalls are available to purchase in groups of £5, £10 and £20. (The BBQ and Bar will accept token or card payments only). Please be advised all tokens are non refundable. All tokens will be sent home with your child on Friday 21st June.
More raffle tickets and tokens will be available to purchase from volunteers using cash and card payments on the day and during the week of 24th June - 28th June at times to be confirmed.

Sports Week - help needed - Wednesday 26th June
As part of sports week, KS2 are going to be taking part in a sponsored Race for Life event and, together (not individually!) running the distance from Tadpole Garden Village to Mount Snowdon. We will be inviting parents to come and run alongside their child to help raise money for Cancer Research. Sponsorship forms will be sent home in due course, along with final running times for each class. In order for us to run this event as successfully as possible, if anyone can spare some time throughout the day to help marshall the children it would be greatly appreciated as we will be using the path along the Stray in Tadpole Garden Village for this event.  Please email the school office if you can help or pop-in and let us know your availability for the day of Wednesday 26th June.

Message for Y6 Parents - Hoodies, ‘Secondary’ Week & Bikeability
Hoodies Just a reminder the deadline for ordering is Friday 14th June. Our suppliers are sending us a couple of hoodies for children to try on, hopefully by Wednesday, for sizing and if parents wish to amend their order following that please let the office know by Friday.
Just to confirm, the hoodies are black with white large 19 on the back, which includes the first names of all the  children in Y6.
Secondary Week - Over the next two weeks, Year 6 will be taking part in 'Secondary Weeks' in order to aid them with their transition to secondary school. During these weeks, they will be taught by a range of different teachers, in different subjects and in different classes around the school.
Within these subjects, children will be given small homework tasks with a 'hand-in' date attached. They will be expected to complete this and hand it back to Miss Weston by the correct day. This will not exceed their usual homework amount, but will be spread over the two weeks in order to give Y6 a flavour of what it will be like at secondary.
Alongside this, we will be giving out 'detention slips' for children if they have disrupted lessons, not brought their homework in or have not come prepared to their lessons. There will not actually be a detention, but there will be time for Miss Weston or members of the Senior Leadership Team to speak to them about what choices they will need to make to avoid this happening at secondary; again, this is for them to get a flavour of what their next step in education will be like. The last term at primary school can be a wonderful gathering together of memories but it is also a time for letting go, for testing boundaries, for flexing wings - sometimes this does need a reminder of how to use everything they have learnt in a positive way that enhances both their own and others learning.
We are hopeful that this Secondary Week experience, when combined with their Transition Days at their new schools, will help Year 6 be as prepared as possible for September.
Bikeability - a reminder that ALL children must wear a cycle helmet, especially as they are going out onto the roads next week.

Message for Y5 Parents - Bikeability, Fencing, Martial Arts and Languages Day
Bikeability - a reminder that ALL children must wear a cycle helmet, especially as they are going out onto the roads next week.
Fencing and Martial Arts - This week, year 5 are lucky enough to have been offered opportunities to take part in a fencing session on Monday and a martial arts session on Tuesday. Please make sure that your child has brought in their PE kits on Monday ready for these 2 sessions.
Languages Day - Our Y5 class have the opportunity to attend one of Abbey Park School  World Languages Days on Wednesday 26 of June. This annual event has grown in popularity and is now run over three separate days to allow for different primary schools to take part. It is an exciting opportunity for your child to explore languages and cultures from around the world.  Each session will involve a series of interactive, fun activities and creative challenges which will ultimately improve students’ intercultural understanding. Students will develop their independent and team-work skills throughout the day. Students must bring school equipment (pen and pencil) with them as well as a packed lunch and a drink.  Y5 pupils should arrive at Tadpole Farm school for 8.30am ready to leave after registration and will return before school finishes, so it will be normal collection time of 3.30pm.
All consent information is on Parent pay; the trip is free of charge.

Message for YN Parents - Forest School
During this term, all the children in Nursery who attend on a Tuesday will be going on a wild adventure walk with the team from Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. This is an exciting opportunity to experience nature and the outdoors in a fun, explorative way.
The children have been split into groups and can come to school wearing Forest School clothing on their days. Please dress them in wellies, long trousers and a long sleeved top. They should also bring their uniform inside their school bag.
Please make a note of the group your child is in and the dates in which they will be going.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Ben L

Dates the groups will be going:
Tuesday 11th June
Tuesday 18th June
Tuesday 2nd July
Tuesday 9th July
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 1
Group 2
Group 4
Group 3 on Tuesday 9th July will be exploring nature at school so will not need to bring forest clothes that day.
If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Dix.

We have lots of children suffering with hay fever symptoms. Can we remind parents that  if children require medicine in school it must be prescribed; that we will only give medicine for children showing symptoms and will call parents if administered. Also it is a good idea for parents to check the forecast and medicate before school where possible to save phone calls for medicine to be bought in to be administered. Pollen seems to be high at the moment and with sports day practise many are suffering.

Plastic Boxes Request
We are currently organising some great craft resources which have been donated and wondered anyone had any see-through lidded boxes at home they would like to donate?  If you also have any craft resources that you don't have any further uses for we can find them a happy home.

Book Recommendations for this week
In this week’s ‘book recommendations’, we have included wordless picture books. These are an amazing way to get children reading, at any age! By discussing pictures within the story, children are sparking their own imagination, using visuals clues to develop the story themselves. By using inference as they read, they can develop their understanding and knowledge of what is happening in the world of the story, as well as build a bigger picture of the world around them. Arguably, most importantly wordless picture books help children build empathy, by discussing characters and plots with adults or their peers. They are fantastic talking points, and a perfect opportunity to spend some quality time together!

 Things to do in the Community

Limited spaces first 20 children to apply guaranteed a place 


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