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2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 2

2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 2

نجم تهامه
Hello All

Thank you for your generous donations for the summer fayre - see more below - the FOTF committee work really hard to ensure we have the funds for providing additional resources and opportunities for all the children and they really need your help in supporting the summer fayre by giving your time on the day. Without your help these events cannot be put on - please sign up - see below - to give an hour or two of your time that will enable all the school community to benefit - you might even enjoy it so much that you will join the committee:)

In the blog this week:-

Term 6 dates
ECO Committee - Competition
Drop Zone Update
FOTF Summer Fayre Update
Message for YR Parents
Young Carer and Service Children Picnic in the Park
Textile Recycling
Y6 Swimming
Sports Week - Sports Day
Book Recommendations for this week
Things to do in the Community

Term 6 - 2018/19   

YR Trip to Roves Farm
Parent Induction Meeting for YN

Staff training day- school closed to children
24/6- 28/6

Sports week.
Children to wear PE kit to school every day.

Sports Day- Details to be confirmed
Parent Induction Meeting for YR

EYFS Worship about Compassion
Parents of children in EYFS are invited to join us.
Year 2 parents invited to a taster session of school dinners- details on Parent Pay
11:30- 14:00
FOTF Summer Fayre

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.
Young Carers and Service Children’s groups Picnic in the Park (leaving after shuffle up; details below)

Shuffle up morning.
YN and YR new starters in.
All children visit their new class and teacher.

Y4 Trip to Oxenwood

Y1 trip to Bristol Zoo

KS2 End of Year Performance- Times to be confirmed
15:30- 17:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6
15:30- 16:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6 excluding Y2

Y2 Trip to Wild Place - so will not be doing Show Me Session on 16/7
Provisional date for Mini Police Certificates Assembly
End of Year Worship
If fine, we will be outside and all parents are invited to join us.
If wet, we will be inside and it will be Tadpole Farm children and staff only (as insufficient space in hall)

ECO Committee - Competition
The Eco-Committee have a new, exciting competition coming up… we want to Catch You Cleaning Up! For the chance to win a £20 book voucher for you to spend on whatever books you like!  More details on Poster below.
Lola Watson - Y6, Eco-Committee Team Member

Drop Zone Update
I have been asked to remind parents that, in the mornings,  staff need to be able to get in for their start time and park to be ready to open the drop zone for those who drop off from 8:30 a.m.  Sadly, some are finding it difficult with parents double parking within school grounds before 8:30 so preventing staff from getting in to start work. Please could I ask you not to block entrances or through routes and to try and arrive from 8:30 if possible.

FOTF Summer Fayre Update
A big thank you to all everyone for bringing in sweets/bottles on Friday. We are meeting this Weds 19th June 7pm at the school to go through final plans and sort out the stalls needed ready for the fayre- please come along if you can as we have lots to sort. We are also still desperate for help on the day. Please complete the below form even if you can just spare an hour or two.

Message for YR Parents
Just to remind YR parents we have our first trip coming up on Tuesday 18th June, can children please be in school by 8.30am ready for us to leave promptly after registration. We are aiming to be back in plenty of time for normal school finish. Anyone who has booked a school packed lunch on Parent Pay will be given their lunch that morning before we go and we ask all children to bring a rucksack with rain coat, sun hat, sun cream and water bottle. Children should come dressed in their school jumpers, but may wear jogging bottoms or leggings (no skirts or shorts please) and trainers or wellies (if not already in school).

Young Carer and Service Children Picnic in the Park
To celebrate the end of the school year we will be taking all of our service and Young Carers children to Lydiard Park for an afternoon of picnic and games. We will be travelling by coach on Wednesday 3rd July in the afternoon and will be back in school by 3:30pm ready for you to pick up at usual time. Children will not need to order a hot meal or bring in a packed lunch as we are organising a wonderful picnic for them to enjoy there (we will adhere to any dietary requirements). Weather dependant items such as sunscreen and hats please bring in to school. There is no cost to parents for this trip, however we do ask you to complete consent on parent pay.

We have a couple of cases of thread worms in school so thought you might find it useful to have information about them and how to prevent them.  

Textile Recycling
Thank you for supporting the Textile Recycling scheme that we have - proceeds go to FOTF.  We have this collected as regularly as we can - if you bring some items and find the bin full please take the items home and come again after a few days.  This is because we have to pay to dispose of all items left outside the bin as the textile people will not take these items. The photo below shows the problem and we have CCTV in place so will hopefully be able to prevent future issues.

Y6 Swimming
We have arranged to take the Year six class to the Cricklade Leisure Pool for swimming lessons on Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July 19. These lessons are part of the National Curriculum to ensure that all children have the opportunity to learn swimming skills before they leave primary school. The children will be evaluated on the first session and will either take part in lessons or for those already confident in swimming, time trials.
A coach will collect the children at 12:45 and the children will arrive back at school for 3:30 pm. The pool will provide a duty lifeguard and school will provide a qualified swimming instructors.  The children will also be using the Sports Hall whilst they are there for their PE lesson.

The cost of tuition is provided by the school but the coach cost will be shared and we ask for a parent contribution of £12.50 for the two days - see payment on Parent pay.  

Sports Week - Sports Day
Sports Day is Tuesday 25th June and parents are invited to join us for some or all of the day depending on when your children are taking part. As last year, there will be the opportunity for families to join us at lunchtime for a picnic.  Due to the family picnic we will amend hot dinners on Tuesday 26th June to become packed lunches. These will be cheese roll, fruit, yogurt and brownie and will be given to the children before they come out on to the field.
If parents would rather bring a lunch from home please log in to parent pay and cancel your order.
We appreciate that not everyone can come and so children whose families are unable to come will be having a picnic with their teacher unless you have asked a friend to include them in their picnic group. YN are having their picnic in the YN garden area as they found being out on the field a little overwhelming last year - please join your YN child there.
FOTF will be serving cold refreshments at these events and payment by card or cash will be available.
10:00 - 11:30 - EYFS/KS1 Sports Day
11:45 - 12:15 - YN Lunch (if have an older sibling they can join in the nursery garden at 12:00)
At 12:15 older siblings of nursery children can join the field picnic
12:00 - 12:45 - Lunch - children will come out to the field with their class teacher and be directed to family members or remain with their teacher for picnic lunch.  Half of the field sectioned off for children to play in if they would like to.
12:45 - All children to line up on the playground to go back into class.
13:30 - 15:00 - KS2 Sports Day

Book Recommendations for this week

Things to do in the Community

Dear Parents/Guardians,

With the rain thundering down outside and the temperature dropping, it's hard to imagine sunnier days and warmer weather! However, we're looking forward to this changing, and the start of our summer holiday courses when we engage with hundreds of local children.

At Swindon, we have competitions, tournaments, the opportunity to tour the ground, goodie bags and a Q&A with some of the squad from STFC along with the opportunity to make new friends whilst enjoying fresh air and exercise.

There are three or four day courses through weeks one to four, then three days in the final week in Swindon. We also offer goalkeeping and girls only courses. If you don't live in Swindon we will be delivering development camps in Corsham, Bradford on Avon, Ramsbury, Marlborough and Chippenham where the format of the day will be the same.

To book, please follow the link below:  if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Kind Regards,
The Community Foundation team

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