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Goodbye Wi-fi Welcome to Li-fi

Goodbye Wi-fi Welcome to Li-fi

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Goodbye Wi-fi Welcome to Li-fi
Li-Fi technology may someday provide speed Internet 100 times higher than Wi-Fi, as scientists have achieved speeds of up to 224 GB per second during their experiences.

This means access to the speed of 224 GB per second possibility to download 18 films in less than a second!

And transmitted Li-Fi technology or "reliability on the light" to the process of the experiment, after qualifying achieved in the city of Tallinn, Estonia speeds of up to 1 GB per second, 100 times higher than the traditional Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi borders

Although skipped Wi-Fi devices such as technology Modem 56K, there are many challenges facing the Wi-Fi users.

Dr. Harald Haas of the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, said that the growing desire for more data at higher speeds the transfer of paid Wi-Fi technology to the fullest potential, and based Wi technology-Fi data via radio waves transfer, but it can transfer a large number data at a time.

By the year 2019, it is expected to relay information 35 quintillion bytes size of a month, and because of that radio frequencies are available and the Organization strictly, would be difficult to relay new data, simply the capacity Wi-Fi shrink with time.

Capacity is not the only problem, P Wi-Fi is not an effective solution because the stations responsible for the transmission of radio waves operate by only 5% of the total efficiency, while the rest go efforts to cool the plants.

As for those who hand down sensitive information, the issue of security is also a problem; because the radio waves transmitted through solid objects such as walls and doors.

Steps towards the light

Visible light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as radio waves. However, the difference lies in that the light has a nice 10 thousand times greater than Alrdio waves, which means that the Li-Fi has the potential to absorb large areas.

Rather than transmit information through one data stream, the light will allow the possibility of transferring the same information using thousands of currents at the same time.

Li-Fi works by running and turn off the LED lights super speeds, and thus data is sent to the recipient through the two-blade, as it is considered in the foundation of high-speed version of the code to create a "Morse".

And it works quickly so that light can not be to the naked eye to see, say d. Haas, "What we need is to put a small chip in each device lighting, and this would combines Ziefitten two basic: lighting and wireless transmission of information. Or in other words that the infrastructure already exists, we can use LED lamps as amended."

End Wi-Fi

It may not put the end of Li-Fi Wi-Fi, at least in the near future for.

Despite the speed of visible light, it does not penetrate solid objects such as radio waves, so if you are using a Li-Fi and wanted to get out of your room Vabmk.c disconnect. Those who are looking for more protection of their data, surely they will see it as an advantage.

In the end, from the standpoint of the process shows that the combination of Li-Fi and Wi-Fi is the most appropriate.
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