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2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 7

2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 7

نجم تهامه
Hello All

Just two days to go until the end of term - school finishes at normal time on Tuesday 23rd - it looks like that will be a fine day so please join us for our End of Year worship - we’ll be on the school field and starting as close to 9:00 am as we can as the day is set to be a scorcher!

In the blog this week:-

Term 6 dates
Parent Report Feedback Responses 
Reading Books from School
Church at Tadpole Garden Village – Summer Special
Uniform, Book bags/rucksacks etc
Lost Property
Things to do in the Community

Term 6 - 2018/19   
End of Year Worship
If fine, we will be outside and all parents are invited to join us.
If wet, we will be inside and it will be Tadpole Farm children and staff only (as insufficient space in hall)
Last day of term - School finishes normal time.

Parent Report Feedback Responses
Thank you to the 105 people who responded to our request for Parent Report Feedback and for the overwhelmingly positive comments that you shared with us.  Thank you also to those of you who gave us suggestions for things which could make things better for your children and you as families. The comments closed on Friday (though you are more than welcome to email us at any time with suggestions, pop in and chat with concerns or share ideas you have with any of us - we really are reflective and open to considering all views).  As mentioned last week, the Local Board have generously suggested a prize for one lucky respondent and that person, selected by random number generator software is... the parent of Mionie Y5… congratulations - please pop in and pick up your prize on Tuesday.
The staff and leadership team will be looking at all the responses and I will add an initial summary to next week’s blog.

Reading Books from School
Thank you to those of you who have found some of these books trying to sneak a holiday away from school by hiding in your bookshelves! The children should still bring book bags this week as there are items to go home and some books still to be collected.  Thank you.

Church at Tadpole Garden Village – Summer Special
If you’re at a loose end during August, why not come along to school on Sunday 11th August at 4pm for fun, games, craft and puppets.  Bring a picnic tea so we can get to know one another better too.
Our regular monthly service will be back at 4pm on Sunday 8th September.
In the meantime I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing summer holiday
Revd. Sally Robertson
07588 594410
Uniform, Book bags/rucksacks etc

The school website has uniform links on this page -

For YR - Y2, the children should have book bags rather than rucksacks as these are more easily stored.

For Y3 - Y6 the children may bring in messenger bags/backpacks but these need to be small - just enough to hold an oversized A4 workbook - there is not much peg space so slim bags are best.  In these year groups children may bring a small pencil case - must be able to fit in a shallow tray; coloured pencils (no felt-tips or Sharpies please); pencils (HB) and handwriting pen (blue - Berol pens work well for improving handwriting).

For all children - Jewellery should be kept for home use though small ear studs (not rings) and a watch may be worn. If hair is past shoulder length we suggest it's better put up in some way - hair accessories should be school colours only (blue/white) and any bows should be small please (bows such as the brand Jo-Jo are great for parties etc, but not for school please).  Could you also keep animal ear headbands for home too as we seem to have had an explosion of those!

Message for All September 2019 YN and YR Parents

If you have not done so already, please complete the following data form ready to start with us in September. Thanks to all of those who have already responded to the email. The link to the google form is below:

Lost Property

This will be laid out after school at the front of school on Monday - all named items have been given back to their owners but there is quite a lot unnamed items - do please take a look.  In addition we have these items handed in but no child recognises them… maybe you do? Ask your child to pop to the school office if any of these items belong to them.

Things to do in the Community

Re below - think the people who sent this mean the event is Tuesday 13th August as date wrong initially hence black correction strip, but it doesn't quite line up as they sent it to us - apologies.

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