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2022/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 6

2022/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 6

نجم تهامه
Hello All
What an amazing week last week - the highlight being the wonderful performance by Y5/6 of Alice in Wonderland.  It never ceases to surprise me that some children, who have not been as confident, suddenly find something in themselves and totally shine on stage.  A huge thank you to all the children and the staff who made this possible. Well done everyone! 

In the blog this week:-

Term 6 dates
Annual Pupil Reports
Reading Books from School
Want to learn to play the guitar?
Message for New YN and YR Parents 2019
Staff Updates 
Picking Up Your Child from September 2019
Year 6 Leavers Assembly and Celebration 
Book Recommendations for this week - Swindon Library Challenge
Things to do in the Community

Term 6 - 2018/19   
Church at Tadpole Garden Village 
15:30- 17:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6 - For times for YN please see newsblog week 4
15:30- 16:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6 excluding Y2
9:00 - 10:30
Coffee Morning - for all new Nursery and Reception 2019 Parents - see below

Y2 Trip to Wild Place - so will not be 7doing Show Me Session on 16/7

3:30 - 6:00pm
Y6 Parents are invited to Y6 reflections assembly - see below
Y6 Leavers Party and BBQ - see below

YN Show me sessions - please see newsblog week 4
Provisional date for Mini Police Certificates Assembly

Bug Ball YR
End of Year Worship
If fine, we will be outside and all parents are invited to join us.
If wet, we will be inside and it will be Tadpole Farm children and staff only (as insufficient space in hall)
Last day of term - School finishes normal time.

Annual Pupil Reports
The annual pupil reports were sent home on Friday in paper format.  Last year, for
families who needed more than one copy, we printed out duplicates and made up duplicate packs but some of these were not collected/needed.  Please could I ask that you send me an email if you would like a duplicate pack and state whether you would be happy for this to be by email, printed and collected from school or printed and posted.  We will keep these details on file and use them next year. Any requests will be dealt with this week. 
We will be investigating whether we can do everything via email next year to be more environmentally friendly and to save paper costs.  This is one of the questions on the parent report feedback form which you can access via this link  We would very much appreciate you taking the time to complete this form and the Local Board have kindly offered a prize of wine and chocolates to one randomly selected person who gives their feedback by Friday 19th July… sadly, I can’t enter, but you can… get clicking that link!!

Reading Books from School 

This week the teachers will be reading with your child and collecting their books in ready for the summer holidays - so we can have a good sort out and repair session. However, we have noticed that some of our school books have gone missing! Please can we ask for you to have a look for any books that might have left at home and that they are returned back to school this week, ready for September.  All books are stamped with the school name. 

Want to learn to play the guitar?

Tom (our guitar teacher) and Lucas showed off their guitar skills this week to Year 4. If your child would like to learn how to play the guitar, then please come to the office to collect an application form or see last week’s blog for details. Tom will be back in September to perform to the rest of the school. 

Message for New YN and YR Parents 2019

Do you have a child starting in YN or YR in September 2019?  If so, come along to our coffee/tea morning on Tuesday 16th July at 9:00 - 10:30 to meet others in the same situation.  Even if you already know us well, come along to support those new to our community. Thank you to Mrs Salter for organising the event. 

Staff Updates 

Mrs Longhurst will be returning to school for the last few days of this term - Thursday 18th July onwards.  We have recruited new Teaching Assistants and Playleaders and will be interviewing for new Business Support staff at the end of July.
From September, I will be spending some time working across the Academy Trust each week, leading on developing Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) provision across the Trust and so, if you need to see the Principal, it will be either John Spencer or myself as John, in his new role as Deputy Principal, and I, as Principal, will be sharing the role of meeting with and supporting families. John will also be taking on the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead and I, along with Alison Flynn, Emma Holt and Niki Wilding will fulfill the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead roles - any safeguarding concerns can be discussed with any member of this team.  

Picking Up Your Child from September 2019

This year we have facilitated older siblings going to the classroom door of younger siblings to help you at pick up time, so you only have one door to go to.  Next year, a substantial number (over 45 in YR 2019 alone) of siblings will be in the school and so we are going to suggest the following:-
  • Parents to collect from class of youngest sibling first
  • Older siblings (up to Y3) will wait with staff until you come to their exit to collect them
  • Y4 and above - please agree a meeting point with your child within the school grounds, unless they have written permission to walk home alone.

Year 6 Leavers Assembly and Celebration 

On Wednesday 17th July, our Year 6 class have got their leavers assembly: a celebration of their time at Tadpole Farm and the end of their time in primary school. Parents and Carers are  welcome to join us from 2:30 to see the children give their goodbyes to the school.
We would love for you to join us! 

Following that, Y6 have a Celebration Party - kindly financed and supported by FOTF - with bouncy assault courses and BBQ. This event starts straight from school at 3:30pm  and finishes at 6:00 pm - please ensure they either have permission to walk home or come and collect them at this time. They may bring clothes to change in to if they wish. 

Book Recommendations for this week - Swindon Library Challenge

Things to do in the Community


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