Hello All
Happy holidays! This is the last blog of this school year and it comes with all our thanks for the very many gifts, donations made on our behalf to worthy causes and, particularly, the written messages of appreciation and thanks - it means a lot to us all that the service we give to the community is valued by you.
There are no term dates this week - keep alert for the long, pre-start of term newsblog coming in the last week of August (the one I recommend you getting a cup of tea and a snack for before you sit down and read it:)) - this will have the dates for the year in it - in response to parent/carer requests for as much notice as possible.
Message for Y3 and Y4 Parents (from September 2019)
Happy holidays! This is the last blog of this school year and it comes with all our thanks for the very many gifts, donations made on our behalf to worthy causes and, particularly, the written messages of appreciation and thanks - it means a lot to us all that the service we give to the community is valued by you.
There are no term dates this week - keep alert for the long, pre-start of term newsblog coming in the last week of August (the one I recommend you getting a cup of tea and a snack for before you sit down and read it:)) - this will have the dates for the year in it - in response to parent/carer requests for as much notice as possible.
Message for Y3 and Y4 Parents (from September 2019)
To help build upon our reading display within school, we are looking for pictures of any children in year 3 or 4 in their 'extreme' reading locations throughout the holidays! (Remember 'extreme' but safe)
Please email these to the office and we can print them out in September or simply bring in the photos for us to use in September!
The Year 3 and 4 team
Dinner Orders via Parent Pay
Just a reminder that dinner bookings can now be made for September 19 right up to October half term. New starters will get a Parent Pay code sent home once started to book for the second week of the new term onwards.
Message from the Eco-Committee
Thank you to everyone who has donated crisp packets for recycling over the last few months. We have had an overwhelming response from families of Tadpole Farm and a huge quantity of crisp packets to box up. They have all been sent off for recycling to raise money for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance and we're so pleased that Tadpole Farm have been able to support this amazing cause.
Please do not send anymore crisp packets as we have boxed up our final donation for this year. Please watch this space for other ways to help our Eco-Committee next year!
Many thanks from the Eco-Committee
Parent Report Feedback - Summary
As promised last week, the Senior Leadership Team have looked through the feedback. Overwhelmingly, the comments are positive and supportive...
I think it is lovely to see members of staff to great you each morning including the principal and deputy. Tadpole is a very friendly atmosphere where my child feels valued and reassured daily. I absolutely love the regular commutation about event's and information concerning our children's education. Thank you so much for all the hard work throughout 2019.
I recommend the school to anyone I speak to about it as I can’t speak highly enough of the lovely nurturing nature of the school and it’s staff. My daughter has had so many opportunities in the short time she’s been at the school it really is second to none
Just continue the excellent communication from school to home. Its invaluable
Some parents requested specific feedback to them as individuals and I will aim to go through these over the holidays and reply to you individually.
Some generic comments that we have discussed were:-
It would be good if you asked parents for feedback based on all aspects of the school. Eg communication, teachers, office staff, lunch time options, lily pad, parent support, parking. It would also be good if you asked parents if they have any suggestions to improve things at the school.
We are more than happy to receive any comments at any time on any aspect of school life - the question that this was a reply to was intended to invite comments on any aspect of school life, apologies if this wasn't clear - please email to jane.leo@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk if you have any thoughts or suggestions to share.
Sometimes it can take a while to get a reply back from email communication. I don’t know if you have a policy on returning calls or replying within 24 hours, but something like this could be appreciated by parents.
We don't have a policy but we do endeavour to be as responsive as possible. The vast majority of emails and calls are responded to the same day but we will take this comment on board and consider where we could improve.
I am concerned as a parent from outside the village on the parking situation. I am sure there are many discussions and just wanted to add my concern.
We will be keeping parking constantly under review as the year progresses - we appreciate how difficult it can be to park around any school and will be promoting initiatives for other ways of getting to school.
So far so good for what the school is doing for our children. Please keep it up . The only thing needs improving is have more family activities yearly. Otherwise most of things are perfect
Thank you for your suggestion about more family activities - we are planning some more of these so look out for the suggestions as the new school year starts.
The only thing I could think about to improve are lunch breaks. It is a long hour and lots of incidents happen during this time. It would be nice if older children could help with supervising younger ones.It would help with confidence in younger children as well as with safety while they play together. Everything else is great and I mean it. The Staff, atmosphere and events as well as school way of teaching and caring for children is absolutely fantastic. Massive Thank you, to everyone working in or for Tadpole Farm Academy :)
We have already planned a change to lunchtimes from next year. There will be staggered lunchtimes for different year groups as an experiment to see if that helps with the usage of the outside space and how crowded it can become, depending on how long children take to be served and eat. More news as term begins. The older children do help with younger ones - we have a team of trained Pupil Sports Leaders, who took up their roles towards the end of this term and they have already had an impact on leading play - they have been trained in supporting children having positive experiences in school and will be working on further awards to help them fulfil their role.
Things to do in the Community
Parent Report Feedback - Summary
As promised last week, the Senior Leadership Team have looked through the feedback. Overwhelmingly, the comments are positive and supportive...
I think it is lovely to see members of staff to great you each morning including the principal and deputy. Tadpole is a very friendly atmosphere where my child feels valued and reassured daily. I absolutely love the regular commutation about event's and information concerning our children's education. Thank you so much for all the hard work throughout 2019.
I recommend the school to anyone I speak to about it as I can’t speak highly enough of the lovely nurturing nature of the school and it’s staff. My daughter has had so many opportunities in the short time she’s been at the school it really is second to none
Just continue the excellent communication from school to home. Its invaluable
Some parents requested specific feedback to them as individuals and I will aim to go through these over the holidays and reply to you individually.
Some generic comments that we have discussed were:-
It would be good if you asked parents for feedback based on all aspects of the school. Eg communication, teachers, office staff, lunch time options, lily pad, parent support, parking. It would also be good if you asked parents if they have any suggestions to improve things at the school.
We are more than happy to receive any comments at any time on any aspect of school life - the question that this was a reply to was intended to invite comments on any aspect of school life, apologies if this wasn't clear - please email to jane.leo@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk if you have any thoughts or suggestions to share.
Sometimes it can take a while to get a reply back from email communication. I don’t know if you have a policy on returning calls or replying within 24 hours, but something like this could be appreciated by parents.
We don't have a policy but we do endeavour to be as responsive as possible. The vast majority of emails and calls are responded to the same day but we will take this comment on board and consider where we could improve.
I am concerned as a parent from outside the village on the parking situation. I am sure there are many discussions and just wanted to add my concern.
We will be keeping parking constantly under review as the year progresses - we appreciate how difficult it can be to park around any school and will be promoting initiatives for other ways of getting to school.
So far so good for what the school is doing for our children. Please keep it up . The only thing needs improving is have more family activities yearly. Otherwise most of things are perfect
Thank you for your suggestion about more family activities - we are planning some more of these so look out for the suggestions as the new school year starts.
The only thing I could think about to improve are lunch breaks. It is a long hour and lots of incidents happen during this time. It would be nice if older children could help with supervising younger ones.It would help with confidence in younger children as well as with safety while they play together. Everything else is great and I mean it. The Staff, atmosphere and events as well as school way of teaching and caring for children is absolutely fantastic. Massive Thank you, to everyone working in or for Tadpole Farm Academy :)
We have already planned a change to lunchtimes from next year. There will be staggered lunchtimes for different year groups as an experiment to see if that helps with the usage of the outside space and how crowded it can become, depending on how long children take to be served and eat. More news as term begins. The older children do help with younger ones - we have a team of trained Pupil Sports Leaders, who took up their roles towards the end of this term and they have already had an impact on leading play - they have been trained in supporting children having positive experiences in school and will be working on further awards to help them fulfil their role.
Things to do in the Community
Many thanks from the Eco-Committee
Parent Report Feedback - Summary
As promised last week, the Senior Leadership Team have looked through the feedback. Overwhelmingly, the comments are positive and supportive...
I think it is lovely to see members of staff to great you each morning including the principal and deputy. Tadpole is a very friendly atmosphere where my child feels valued and reassured daily. I absolutely love the regular commutation about event's and information concerning our children's education. Thank you so much for all the hard work throughout 2019.
I recommend the school to anyone I speak to about it as I can’t speak highly enough of the lovely nurturing nature of the school and it’s staff. My daughter has had so many opportunities in the short time she’s been at the school it really is second to none
Just continue the excellent communication from school to home. Its invaluable
Some parents requested specific feedback to them as individuals and I will aim to go through these over the holidays and reply to you individually.
Some generic comments that we have discussed were:-
It would be good if you asked parents for feedback based on all aspects of the school. Eg communication, teachers, office staff, lunch time options, lily pad, parent support, parking. It would also be good if you asked parents if they have any suggestions to improve things at the school.
We are more than happy to receive any comments at any time on any aspect of school life - the question that this was a reply to was intended to invite comments on any aspect of school life, apologies if this wasn't clear - please email to jane.leo@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk if you have any thoughts or suggestions to share.
Sometimes it can take a while to get a reply back from email communication. I don’t know if you have a policy on returning calls or replying within 24 hours, but something like this could be appreciated by parents.
We don't have a policy but we do endeavour to be as responsive as possible. The vast majority of emails and calls are responded to the same day but we will take this comment on board and consider where we could improve.
I am concerned as a parent from outside the village on the parking situation. I am sure there are many discussions and just wanted to add my concern.
We will be keeping parking constantly under review as the year progresses - we appreciate how difficult it can be to park around any school and will be promoting initiatives for other ways of getting to school.
So far so good for what the school is doing for our children. Please keep it up . The only thing needs improving is have more family activities yearly. Otherwise most of things are perfect
Thank you for your suggestion about more family activities - we are planning some more of these so look out for the suggestions as the new school year starts.
The only thing I could think about to improve are lunch breaks. It is a long hour and lots of incidents happen during this time. It would be nice if older children could help with supervising younger ones.It would help with confidence in younger children as well as with safety while they play together. Everything else is great and I mean it. The Staff, atmosphere and events as well as school way of teaching and caring for children is absolutely fantastic. Massive Thank you, to everyone working in or for Tadpole Farm Academy :)
We have already planned a change to lunchtimes from next year. There will be staggered lunchtimes for different year groups as an experiment to see if that helps with the usage of the outside space and how crowded it can become, depending on how long children take to be served and eat. More news as term begins. The older children do help with younger ones - we have a team of trained Pupil Sports Leaders, who took up their roles towards the end of this term and they have already had an impact on leading play - they have been trained in supporting children having positive experiences in school and will be working on further awards to help them fulfil their role.
Things to do in the Community
65 67
Parent Report Feedback - Summary
As promised last week, the Senior Leadership Team have looked through the feedback. Overwhelmingly, the comments are positive and supportive...
I think it is lovely to see members of staff to great you each morning including the principal and deputy. Tadpole is a very friendly atmosphere where my child feels valued and reassured daily. I absolutely love the regular commutation about event's and information concerning our children's education. Thank you so much for all the hard work throughout 2019.
I recommend the school to anyone I speak to about it as I can’t speak highly enough of the lovely nurturing nature of the school and it’s staff. My daughter has had so many opportunities in the short time she’s been at the school it really is second to none
Just continue the excellent communication from school to home. Its invaluable
Some parents requested specific feedback to them as individuals and I will aim to go through these over the holidays and reply to you individually.
Some generic comments that we have discussed were:-
It would be good if you asked parents for feedback based on all aspects of the school. Eg communication, teachers, office staff, lunch time options, lily pad, parent support, parking. It would also be good if you asked parents if they have any suggestions to improve things at the school.
We are more than happy to receive any comments at any time on any aspect of school life - the question that this was a reply to was intended to invite comments on any aspect of school life, apologies if this wasn't clear - please email to jane.leo@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk if you have any thoughts or suggestions to share.
Sometimes it can take a while to get a reply back from email communication. I don’t know if you have a policy on returning calls or replying within 24 hours, but something like this could be appreciated by parents.
We don't have a policy but we do endeavour to be as responsive as possible. The vast majority of emails and calls are responded to the same day but we will take this comment on board and consider where we could improve.
I am concerned as a parent from outside the village on the parking situation. I am sure there are many discussions and just wanted to add my concern.
We will be keeping parking constantly under review as the year progresses - we appreciate how difficult it can be to park around any school and will be promoting initiatives for other ways of getting to school.
So far so good for what the school is doing for our children. Please keep it up . The only thing needs improving is have more family activities yearly. Otherwise most of things are perfect
Thank you for your suggestion about more family activities - we are planning some more of these so look out for the suggestions as the new school year starts.
The only thing I could think about to improve are lunch breaks. It is a long hour and lots of incidents happen during this time. It would be nice if older children could help with supervising younger ones.It would help with confidence in younger children as well as with safety while they play together. Everything else is great and I mean it. The Staff, atmosphere and events as well as school way of teaching and caring for children is absolutely fantastic. Massive Thank you, to everyone working in or for Tadpole Farm Academy :)
We have already planned a change to lunchtimes from next year. There will be staggered lunchtimes for different year groups as an experiment to see if that helps with the usage of the outside space and how crowded it can become, depending on how long children take to be served and eat. More news as term begins. The older children do help with younger ones - we have a team of trained Pupil Sports Leaders, who took up their roles towards the end of this term and they have already had an impact on leading play - they have been trained in supporting children having positive experiences in school and will be working on further awards to help them fulfil their role.
Things to do in the Community
65 67