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2018/19 Newsblog Term 4 Week 2

2018/19 Newsblog Term 4 Week 2

نجم تهامه
Hello All 
It was lovely to see so many of the children dressed up for World Book Day - thank you for all your efforts and creativity.  A relatively short blog this week but important dates re Forest school for Y1 – Y6 this week and, of course, a reminder re Red Nose Day on Friday. 

In the blog this week:- 
Term 4 dates   
Science Week including Forest School Spring Walks 
Parent Workshop – Children's Mental Health and Well-being 
Parent Forum 
Book Fayre Competition and Reminder 
Red Nose Day Reminder 
Thank You from The Royal British Legion
Information from NHS re Scarlett Fever
This Week's Book Recommendations 
Things to Do in the Community 
Term 4  - 2018/19   
Science Week in school  see details below as children will need Forest School Clothing this week.
12/3/19- 15/3/19   
Book Fayre – to be held near the school office & Y5/6 area   
Parent Workshop - Health & Wellbeing  - details below
Red Nose Day  
FOTF Quiz night  
Parents Forum – see below
Selected Y5 children to take part in Mini Police sessions   
‘Show me’ sessions –   
Monday 1/4 classrooms open 3:30 – 5:30; Tuesday 2/4 classrooms open 3:30 – 4:30    
Children in YN times are:    
Tuesday & Thursday 8.40-9.10 for those in morning sessions and 12.20-12.50 for afternoon sessions.     
Parental access to Tapestry for YN and YR children and Seesaw for Y1/2/3/4/5 children until end of February holiday.
Last day of term 4 – normal finish time   
School closed – Easter holiday   
Monday 22/4/19 is a Bank Holiday   
Offer Day for YR September starters   
Children return to school – Tuesday   
 Science Week including Forest School Spring Walks 
This week sees us focusing on ‘Working Scientifically’ as part of our Science focus week. During this week, all the children will have the opportunity to go to Forest School – please ensure they come in with suitable forest school clothing including wellies/sturdy boots and waterproof jacket, which you don’t mind getting muddy; as we will go whatever the weather. 
Monday 11th March – Y1 Badger Class and Y5 
Tuesday 12th - All Y2 Classes 
Wednesday 13th - Y1 Fox Class and Y6 
Thursday 14th - All Y3 Classes 
Friday 15th - All Y4 Classes 
The younger children have already/will be doing this learning during this term.  
There will be glimpses of what your children have been doing on Seesaw and Tapestry later this term.  

Parent Workshop – Children's Mental Health and Well-being 
Please sign up via this link if you will be coming along to the workshop on Wednesday 13th March between 6 and 7 pm at school.  We will be covering aspects of mental health and well-being; generic approaches to looking after mental health and signposts to resources that you may find useful.  It will be a participative session so be prepared to be involved🙂 
We would like at least 15 parents to come along – less than this and the workshop will be cancelled but we can provide resources – if you are unable to attend but are interested in resources, please sign up for these via link above too.  

Parent Forum  
Rearranged date as above Thursday 21st March – let us know if you are coming via this link  - if you would like to attend but can't make the meeting, then comments can also be left via the link.  The Parent Forum is a partnership between parents and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, concerns and make suggestions for improvement.  It will play an active role in influencing, supporting and enhancing the development and learning of all children at Tadpole Farm. 

What are the aims of the Parent Forum? 
The aims of the Parent Forum are to: 
· Work closely with the Local Board (governing body) and school leadership team to ensure an open and beneficial dialogue exists, so that we can work together to improve the education provided for the children 
· Assist Local Board members and staff by commenting on new initiatives, drawing attention to areas of concern and contributing to solutions. 
· Meet in a mutually supportive environment 
· Develop and disseminate ideas that improve life at Tadpole Farm 
What are the principles guiding the Forum? 
Together, we aim to be: 
• Collaborative: participating together for the benefit of the school community 
• Constructive: helping to identify effective solutions 
• Transparent: keeping everyone informed of meetings and their outcomes 
• Encouraging: welcoming ideas and initiatives to foster a positive ethos 
Who can be part of the Forum? 
All parents and carers of children attending Tadpole Farm are welcome to be part of the Forum. In addition, a representative from the Local Board and the leadership team has committed to attend each meeting. 
What will the Parent Forum not do? 
The Parent Forum is not a decision-making body. It is a body which can feed in views and represent the parents and carers of issues surrounding the school. The Parent Forum is also not the place to discuss concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff. 
How can parents & carers participate? 
Parents and carers can participate in a number of ways: 
•   All are warmly welcome to attend and participate at any Parent Forum meeting; 
•   By taking a role to help promote the Forum and make it work; 
•   By suggesting items to be discussed. 
What will be the agenda on 21st March? 
  • Parent comments on the communication between school and home – what works well, what could be improved – a general discussion about processes, communication channels and access to support from school. 
  • Discussion of Health and Safety aspects – items from parents and carers 
  • Beginning of discussions about Relationship Education – review of proposals by the DfE and your feedback about this 
  • Contributions and suggestions from parents on any aspect of school life 

Book Fayre Competition and Reminder 
A reminder that the Book Fayre is in school this week – please come and support us as this event provides valuable resources for school. As part of the run up to the Book Fayre, we ran a competition with year 2 children (in class) to design bunting, which is displayed where children line up for lunch near the school office. They had to design the bunting flag with their favourite book character. Winners presented in celebration worship (Friday 8th March) were: - 
1st place £15 vouchers for our scholastic book fair - Rio R  
2nd place £10 voucher: Mitchell R 
The entries were drawn blind (ie without names available to judges) and it was a lovely coincidence that the Reeves brothers both won! 

Red Nose Day Reminder 
In order to raise funds for Comic Relief, we will be marking Red Nose Day on Friday 15th March by holding a ‘Wear Something Red’ day. Children are invited to wear some (or all!) red clothes or accessories. As long as the children have something red on they may wear non-school uniform, jeans and trainers are OK too.  Donations can be made via Parent Pay and all money raised will go directly to Comic Relief.  

 Thank You from The Royal British Legion

Information from NHS re Scarlett Fever
Please note, we have not had confirmed cases in school but thought you may appreciate this information being shared with you. 

This Week's Book Recommendations 

Things to Do in the Community


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