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ALL ABOUT GREECE: Online meeting at Etwining platform

ALL ABOUT GREECE: Online meeting at Etwining platform

#India vs Australia Perth Test Cricket :
نجم تهامه
Today the pupils from Spain and Finland explained to their Greek classmates basic aspects about its Mediterranean region and also some legends from its Ancient period. Everything in an online event through the Etwinning platform that they won't forget.

Helped by their lapbooks, the Spanish team started their expositions making a class about Greek culture, important facts, geography, gastronomy and music. After a week of deep investigation, they became really good experts!

After that, they talked about Athena and Poseidon:

And finally... EUREKA! Arquimedes came to visit us to describe how he could discover why the crown of Hiro II was not made of pure gold.

After her speech, she had the opportunity to meet her penfriend from Greece. 

Then, it was the turn of the Finnish team, who with their inspiring creativity, show to the rest of the audience the history of the Minotaur labyrinth. 

In Greek mythology,  the Minotaur is a mythical creature portrayed in Classical times with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man).

And to finish, we would like to highlight the collaboration of our most artistic partners from Romania. You did an awesome job:

We  feel really fortunate to do this kind of CLILL activities with our students. Not only for the development of their linguistic competence but also for the achievement of many others key competences such as the Digital, the Cultural awareness, Literacy or the Multilingual competence..

The mobilities are over but we will continue working with the Etwinning platform. See you in our Twinspace:


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