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Causes of headache, dizziness, and blurred vision

Causes of headache, dizziness, and blurred vision

#استشارات طبية
نجم تهامه

Q - Causes of headaches, dizziness, and blurred eyes?

Welcome to the Tabikum platform. We offer you a wide range of advice and consultations, and we respond to your consultations and questions through a specialized medical staff. Today we will answer the question of the causes of headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision.  C -  The causes of blurred vision and myopia. Farsightedness, which is the paradoxical ability to focus. Dry eyes, which cause blurred vision. Migraine, where the blurring appears before the migraine. Other eye problems such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts. Using contact lenses, if they are damaged or dirty. Cataracts, where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. Take some nutritional supplements, such as anticholinergics, antihypertensives, cortisone, antidepressants, heart medications, and oral contraceptives. Causes of dizziness and headaches: Meniere's disease. Low blood pressure. Low blood sugar. Irregular heartbeat. Bleeding, internal or external. Exposure to the sun for long periods. Inflammation of the inner ear, where inflammation occurs in the nerve responsible for the body's balance. Dehydration, or the body losing a large amount of fluid. Hyperventilation. Panic attacks. Heart attacks. Strokes. Deficiency of some vitamins, such as vitamin B12. Anxiety and fatigue. Lack of sleep, which is caused by lack of sleep or sleep disorders. Sudden drop in body temperature. Inflammation of the middle ear. Motion sickness. Taking some types of medications, such as sedatives, and medications that have a side effect of ear toxicity.

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