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New Mickey 90th PEZ Twin double card from Burlington...PLUS OUR NEW BURLINGTON  PICTORIAL

New Mickey 90th PEZ Twin double card from Burlington...PLUS OUR NEW BURLINGTON PICTORIAL

نجم تهامه
We are big fans of the PEZ double cards!
Today we are happy to report, another new double card with the new 
Mickey 90th celebration 
dispensers with Mickey and Minnie has been found again 
at the Burlington stores across the USA. 
The list with all the double cards is getting longer and longer, 
that's why we have decided for a updated pictorial.
We really hope our pictorial can help you to find the missing ones.
Now it's time to hop over to Burlington Coat Factory and 
to add these lovely double card to our Collections. :)
Happy Hunting!
Thank you Ryan O. for the picture :)
Huge thank you to our dear Jessica O for all the hq pictures! <3

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