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Snow News - Be prepared

Snow News - Be prepared

نجم تهامه
Sent by email 31/1/19 22:30

Hello All,

Those of you who were with us during the snow last year will know that we do all we can to keep you up to date and to keep school open when safe to do so.  This email is to give you a ‘heads up’ re tomorrow - the forecast is for snow from now, through the night to Friday morning.  Combined with the low temperatures it is likely that the snow will settle and so cause difficult travel conditions. I have members of staff giving me updates of how the snow is in various areas. 

So for the moment the message is…
Friday morning check your emails - I will make a decision by 6:45 a.m. - I will send an email saying open or closed - it will depend on whether enough staff can get to school safely; whether we can make the site safe and what the predictions are for the remainder of the day.
Note: we may not be able to provide LilyPad breakfast club (credits would be made if we close) as we may not be able to get enough staff in safely at that time

Keep safe 

Jane Leo 

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