Hello All
Happy holidays! Just a short newsblog this week…
In the blog this week:-
Term 6 dates
Message for Year 1 and 2 Parents re Monday 3rd June
Bike Security Marking Session and message for Y5 Mini Police re Monday 3rd June
Keep eye out for Chicken Pox
Y6 Leavers Hoodies - Order details
Y5/6 and Young Carer Group enjoy GWA Joseph production
Message for YN Parents
Please book dinners by Wednesday this week
Water bottle type request
Sorting out at home? Donations needed...
Book Recommendations for this week
Things to do in the Community
Term 6 - 2018/19 | ||
Date | Time | Event |
3/6 | Return to school for term 6 Y1 and 2 to come in PE Kit - see below Bike Marking Session available to all led by Y5 Mini Police Group - see below | |
4/6 & 5/6 | Prayer Space 2019 | |
6/6 | 15:00 | Pentecost Service led by Y5 Y5 parents are invited to join us |
9/6 | 16:00 | Church at Tadpole Farm |
10/6- 14/6 | Phonics Screening Week | |
13/6 | Year 5/6 visit to New College for Computing Workshops | |
14/6 | Dress down day for FOTF Fayre- details to be confirmed | |
18/6 | YR Trip to Roves Farm | |
19/6 | 18:00 | Parent Induction Meeting for YN |
21/6 | Staff training day- school closed to children | |
24/6- 28/6 | Sports week. Children to wear PE kit to school every day. | |
25/6 | Sports Day- Details to be confirmed | |
26/6 | 18:00 | Parent Induction Meeting for YR |
27/6 | EYFS Worship about Compassion Parents of children in EYFS are invited to join us. | |
28/6 | 12:00 | Year 2 parents invited to a taster session of school dinners- details on Parent Pay |
29/6 | 11:30- 14:00 | School Fayre |
1/7 | Shuffle up morning. YN and YR new starters in. All children visit their new class and teacher. | |
3/7 | Shuffle up morning. YN and YR new starters in. All children visit their new class and teacher. | |
4/7 | Shuffle up morning. YN and YR new starters in. All children visit their new class and teacher. | |
5/7 | Y4 Trip to Oxenwood | |
8/7 | Y1 trip to Bristol Zoo | |
10/7 | KS2 End of Year Performance- Times to be confirmed | |
15/7 | 15:30- 17:30 | Show me sessions for YR- Y6 |
16/7 | 15:30- 16:30 | Show me sessions for YR- Y6 excluding Y2 |
16/7 | Y2 Trip to Wild Place - so will not be doing Show Me Session on 16/7 | |
19/7 | 14:30 | Provisional date for Mini Police Certificates Assembly |
23/7 | 9:00 | End of Year Worship If fine, we will be outside and all parents are invited to join us. If wet, we will be inside and it will be Tadpole Farm children and staff only (as insufficient space in hall) |
Message for Year 1 and 2 Parents re Monday 3rd June
On our first day back, Monday 3rd June, Key Stage One (Year 1 and 2) will be getting sporty to kick off our new topic 'Get your head in the game!' Please could all children come to school already dressed in their PE kit for that day. They can stay in this all day, so will not need a change of clothes. Thank you.
Bike Security Marking Session and message for Y5 Mini Police re Monday 3rd June
On Monday 3rd June (the first day back of Term 6), our Year 5 Mini Police team will be taking part in a bike marking session. Bike marking allows that should a lost or stolen bike be found, the Police are able to use the bike marking system to return the bike to its rightful owners. Our local Police Officers, who have been supporting the Year 5s, kindly ask that should you wish your bikes to be marked, to ensure that your child's bike to be in school on 3rd June and locate our Mini Police team at the end of the school day. They will be wearing their Mini Police uniforms and will be near the bike shed or in the year 5/6 playground area. Many thanks in advance for your participation.
Additionally, for those who are in Mini Police, a reminder that they need to bring old clothing for them to wear during the session.
Miss Pearson and the Year 5 Mini Police team.
Keep eye out for Chicken Pox

2. The spots fill with fluid. The blisters may burst. They might spread or stay in a small area
3. The spots scab over. More blisters might appear while others scab over
You might get symptoms before or after the spots, including:
- a high temperature above 38C
- aches and pains, and generally feeling unwell
- loss of appetite
Chickenpox is very itchy and can make children feel miserable, even if they do not have many spots. Chickenpox is usually much worse in adults.
It's possible to get chickenpox more than once, although it's unusual.
Y6 Leavers Hoodies - Order details
Our FOTF have kindly agreed to help us fund the Y6 Leavers hoodies so we can offer them at a reduced cost to parents. Orders need to be put through Parent Pay up until Friday 14th June. Once they are delivered, they will be given out in school Friday 28th June, ready for Y6 to wear in school from 1st July onwards. FOTF very kindly donated £5 per child towards the cost to help reduce the price to parents and as a gift from them to children. This is reflected already on Parent pay. Please ensure you select a size when ordering using the field indicated on the form on Parent Pay.
Y5/6 and Young Carer Group enjoy GWA Joseph production
Our Y5/6 and young carers were lucky enough to be invited by GWA to watch the dress rehearsal of 'Joseph' on Tuesday this week. We walked there and back during the school day, however, our admin team have realised this info didn't make it to the blog. We use permission already gained when children start for short local walks but are sorry we didn't let parents know and realise some confusion may have happened when children came home talking about it. They all enjoyed the show and are excited to produce their own end of year performance soon.
Message for YN Parents
After this May holiday, we would like nursery parents to start letting your YN child come in to YN on their own - having said goodbye just outside the external door. This is to help develop their independence ready for the transition to reception in September - so they come into the cloakroom alone and put away their own bag, coat, water bottle etc.
YN Team
Please book dinners by Wednesday this week
We noticed that there are not many people who have ordered dinners for next term - please note the deadline is Wednesday in this holiday week for anyone wanting hot meals first week back. If you do not order by Wednesday the Parent Pay system will not let you order for the first week back and you will have to supply packed lunches for that week, even if your child is entitled to free school meals.
Water bottle type request
Could we please ask that children do not bring in any water bottles that have a mist spray function as these are not being used appropriately… I’m sure you can imagine what I mean:) Any bottles with a mist function will be sent home with a request not to return.
Sorting out at home? Donations needed…
If you are doing any sorting over the half term and summer holidays, we would be really grateful for the following items for Lilypad and wet play......
- large wooden building bricks
- Top Trumps and any other card games e.g. Dobble
- small metal cars
- green Toy Story army figures
- Dominoes
- Wooden Jenga game
- Small Lego
- Younger children's games e.g. Tumbling Monkeys, Pop up Pirate etc
- Brio train track with trains
- Wooden fire station with figures
- newer, more up to date action/ superhero figures
- outdoor Jenga, noughts and crosses etc.
- box of wooden threading beads with threads.
Many thanks
Book Recommendations for this week
check out this week's recommendations on lovereading4kids.co.uk
Things to do in the Community