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Coming Soon: new PEZ Candy Mascot Dispenser on and at the PEZ VC...

Coming Soon: new PEZ Candy Mascot Dispenser on and at the PEZ VC...

نجم تهامه

Alright PEZ PALZ,
as announced last week, the new PEZ Candy Mascot dispenser,
 first presented last week at the Sweets and Snacks Expo,
will be available soon exclusively at the PEZ Visitor Center
and on US 
Today we are happy to show you the dispenser on a new (different) card,
and without printing on the stem.
Hey PEZ we definitely want the dispenser in several colors! :)

What are your toughts, isn't that great ???
Stay tuned, as soon as it is available, we will let you know....
Soon available at the PEZ Visitor Center and on
Thank you PEZ Candy Inc. for the Picture <3

PEZ Candy Inc. on Instagram @PEZCANDYUSA


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