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2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 5

2018/19 Newsblog Term 6 Week 5

نجم تهامه
Hello All
Just a short blog this week - two weeks and two days left of this school year and we’ve been steadily planning ahead to next year - more news about that below and next week.  The children have all experienced their new classes and everyone is excited about what the new school year holds.  

In the blog this week:-

Term 6 dates
School run clubs - now finished for the term
Y5/6 Alice the Musical
Sports Leader News
Message for YR Parents - Bug Ball
Message for Y1 Parents re Zoo Trip
Handy with a Hammer, Serious about Screwdrivers…
Staffing Update & Vacancies
LilyPad News
Cars on the School Site
KS2 School Based Instrument Lessons
Book Recommendations for this week
Things to do in the Community

Term 6 - 2018/19   

Y1 trip to Bristol Zoo
13:30 and 18:00
Upper KS2  (Y5/6) End of Year Performance- see details below
9:00 - 12:00
Handy with a hammer, serious about screwdrivers… see below
Church at Tadpole Garden Village - see below
15:30- 17:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6 - For times for YN please see newsblog week 4
15:30- 16:30
Show me sessions for YR- Y6 excluding Y2

Y2 Trip to Wild Place - so will not be doing Show Me Session on 16/7

YN Show me sessions - please see newsblog week 4
Provisional date for Mini Police Certificates Assembly

Bug Ball YR - see below
End of Year Worship
If fine, we will be outside and all parents are invited to join us.
If wet, we will be inside and it will be Tadpole Farm children and staff only (as insufficient space in hall)
School run clubs - now finished for the term
Just a reminder, all clubs run by school staff after school eg craft, multi sports club etc finished last week - please ensure you collect your child at 3:30pm every day unless they go to LilyPad or a club run by an outside company.  We will send out new club choices to sign up to in September 19 for Y1 - 6. 

Y5/6 Alice the Musical
As I'm sure you're aware, the Y5 and Y6 children have been working incredibly hard, and are performing Alice: The Musical next week.
Thank you for your efforts in helping to learn lines and provide costumes. 
There are two ticketed performances (tickets available via Parent Pay) on Wednesday 10th July. The first begins at 1.30pm and the second begins at 6pm and should be finished by approximately 7.30pm. 
To make sure everything runs smoothly, we would like all children involved to remain in school between the end of performance one and two (between 3.30 and 6pm). We will provide a snack for the children who stay on. We hope that all children will be present and will stay on for both performances - please do let us know if you intend to collect your child at 3.30pm so we can plan accordingly.
Following the end of the performance at 7.30pm, children can be collected from the side door of the main school hall. 
We realise this is short notice but do we have any parent who has the equipment to make a proper film of the performance?  If so please email and let us know - thank you in advance:)  
Sports Leader News
Our sports leaders became anti bullying ambassadors this week and did an amazing job representing our school at the event at The Deanery Academy (a new Diocese of Bristol Academy Trust secondary school opening in Swindon in September). They came back with lots of wonderful ideas to spread the word and start helping others. The team decided to start by working towards their community Diana Award badge, watch this space for some exciting events they will be organising for this!

Message for YR Parents - Bug Ball
YR will be having a Bug Ball on Friday 19th July to celebrate the end of their Summer term topic. 
The children are invited to come to school wearing bright colours or a Bug costume, if they would like to. They will then set up their own Ball with decorations, masks, games and dancing! We will of course share plenty of photos!

Message for Y1 Parents re Zoo Trip
It's almost time for Year 1's visit to Bristol Zoo! The children should come to school at normal time in their school uniforms, but they can wear comfortable (closed-toe) shoes such as trainers if you prefer. 
Each child should wear their own backpack which should include their own water bottle, sunhat, suncream and a light rain jacket (as we all know how unpredictable our British weather can be!). 
If you are planning on having a school packed lunch, please make sure it is ordered and your child knows to expect it! 
No toys, cameras, games etc are needed for the coach and there is no need for the children to bring any money. 
If your child requires hay-fever medicine, please ensure they have taken it before they arrive at school as we cannot administer this during the day. Thank you so much! 

Handy with a Hammer, Serious about Screwdrivers…
...we need you ...
We are looking for some helpers on Saturday 13th July from 9am to help us construct an outdoor shed and base, ready for the Lilypad move. Now that we are nearly a full school we have to have a pack up facility, so the shed is vital for this to happen. If you can spare about 3 hours, we would be really grateful of your support.

Staffing Update & Vacancies
Gill Edwards, who has been with us since we opened the school and who has, from our school office, helped many of you with queries about everything from admissions to Parent Pay to life in general is leaving us at the end of this term.  She is moving to The Deanery, the new Diocese of Bristol Academy Trust (our Trust) secondary school, which opens in Swindon in September 2019. We are really pleased for her as this will be a promotion for her but we are also very sad for us… it does mean we will be looking for someone to fulfil her role so, if you or someone you know would be interested, the jobs (we’re also looking to recruit an additional role for someone with financial skills and knowledge) are advertised on Eteach
LilyPad News
We have been working hard all year to plan for what happens at Lilypad from September (the rooms that LilyPad runs from will also be used as Y5 classrooms from September). 
Breakfast club - from 15th July, Breakfast club will move to the hall - you can still use the drop zone to park and entry will be via the small hall door - Keep an eye out for signs to direct you........
Afterschool Club - from 15th July After school club will still meet in the Y5 classrooms, however they will register in the small hall each day before moving into the classroom at 3:45 to allow the Y5 staff enough time to send their children home and tidy away the classroom items before Lilypad children arrive.
The Lilypad staff have decided to get into routine from 15th July to allow 7 days to iron out any potential issues that need tweaking from the well thought out plans. Lilypad parents are of course invited to feedback in September regarding the changes and any other tweaks you think might improve the children's experience of Lilypad.
Just to remind parents anyone continuing with their same sessions automatically have those for September 19. Many thanks to all parents for bearing with us for changes. We are working our way through all users who asked for changes and emailing offers at the moment. We will automatically place children on our waiting list if we aren't able to offer at this time and will email as and when places become available. We understand some parents frustration where places haven't been offered, but for safety reasons and also for enjoyment of those attending have had to cap users in each session. Our aim as always is to help all of those wanting places and we are sorry to those who we haven't been able to offer to.

Cars on the School Site
As the school continues to expand and numbers increase we knew we would have to get to the point where we could not continue to support non-staff parking on the school site. Sadly, that point will arrive in September. From September, the only parking allowed on the school site will be staff, volunteers, students working at the school, leaders of after school clubs and visitors, plus those with passes to use the disabled parking bays.
In the mornings - The drop zone will continue to be open from 8:30 a.m. and a staff member will support the use of the zebra crossing, so we can help manage the traffic flow. Only those working or volunteering within school will be able to park on site. If you are intending parking and walking your child in to school you will have to park off the school site.
After school - the barrier to the car park will be closed but a member of staff will be available to let those who have passes to use the disabled parking bays and those running after school classes on to the site. We realise this will mean you finding parking spaces off-site but hopefully, during the next 12 months, the community centre and shopping area will open and that will increase the parking available around school.
We understand that this may cause you concern but we have been lucky enough to be able to offer some onsite parking up to this point - most schools do not offer parking on site. We ask for your cooperation in trying out different ways of getting to school - maybe this is the ideal opportunity to try a new walking/cycling route; maybe set up a lift share with your friends and neighbours or create a neighbourly walking group?
KS2 School Based Instrument Lessons

Book Recommendations for this week

Things to do in the Community


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