As I'm aways looking for PEZ news,
I recently discovered something great from Japan.
We saw a lot of fantastic licensed staff from Japan in
the past and soon we can extend our collections
with some other stunning special features.
More and more people around the globe are
completely under the spell of the trendy surprise-collecting fever.
Many of us were crazy about the tiny PEZ dispensers
and candy pack from the ZURU Balls and in the near future we will be
happy with the PEZ LOL surprise dolls,
but even before that, in approximately ten days,
our Japanese friends can look forward to
new licensed PEZ polyester pencil cases.
There will be five different pencil cases hidden in a
plastic capsule with circa 7 centimeters in diameter.
All pencil cases are artful and colorful and with different designs.
We hope our Japanese friends will be so kind
to help us to get them!
Stay tuned PazPalz, to be continued...
Coming very soon, five new PEZ pencil cases from Japan |
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