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News entrepreneur advises, 'Don't think about it - do it'

News entrepreneur advises, 'Don't think about it - do it'

نجم تهامه

Olga Lucia Lozano, creative editor
of  La Silla Vacia
Versión en español aquí.

The cofounder of one of the most important investigative journalism sites in Colombia, La Silla Vacia (The Empty Chair), has some advice for those who are thinking about creating their own website, app or whatever:
"Don't think about it, do it. Doing things is the best way to learn. To try means to fail. To fail means to learn."

Olga Lucia Lozano, creative editor of La Silla Vacia, recently shared what she has learned in the nearly five years of working on the site during a "Journalism Hangout" (in Spanish, she comes on at the 30-minute mark).
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