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Proxmox VE | Adding storage (1)

Proxmox VE | Adding storage (1)

نجم تهامه

 This is a memo when adding storage space to Proxmox VE (hereinafter referred to as PVE).

We will use the HDD (capacity 2TB) connected as /dev/sdb as described in a previous post ( Deleting Partitions Connected to Proxmox VE Nodes ).

I'm not sure if it's the correct procedure (method), but I'll describe the steps I took. The following explanation uses a node named "pxve" as an example.

Create two partitions and use them for the following two purposes.

  • /dev/sdb1: Directory for storing ISO images (iso-data)
  • /dev/sdb2: Thinpool storage for storing VMs (vm-data)

This time, we will explain how to create the /dev/sdb1 directory.

The operation is a simple process.

↑ Storage status in PVE management GUI. You can check /dev/sdb by pxve > Disks > Reload

Perform the operation using the fdisk command.

fdisk /dev/sdb

This is a screenshot of fdisk operation↓

↑ Create two partitions. To create one, type “n” at the prompt “Command (m for help): “. Specify “+120G” as the size of the first partition, and allocate the remaining size of the second partition. Red arrows indicate input locations. Use default values ​​for "Partition number", "First sector", etc.

After the first partition is created, it says “Partition #1 contains a ext4 system” and prompts “Do you want to remove the signature? [Y]es/[N]o: “ there is. In that case, select “Y”.

↑ Check with PVE management GUI. pxve > Disks > Reload recognizes /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2

↑ Create a directory. pxve > Directory > Create Directory. In the “Create Directory” dialog, you can select “/dev/sdb1” for Disk. Select “ext4” for Filesystem and enter “iso-data” for Name. Close the dialog with [Create]

↑ Creation completed. Continue editing operations

↑ Edit the “Content” item. Dataceter > Storage > Edit. In the “Edit: Directory” dialog, select (highlight) ISO image etc. from the “Content” menu. Close the dialog with [OK]

↑ Example of the result of the above operation. View Dataceter > Storage

At this time, the following is added to the contents of /etc/pve/storage.cfg.

dir: iso-data 
        path /mnt/pve/iso-data 
        content images,iso,vztmpl 
        is_mountpoint 1 
        nodes pxve 
        shared 0

Let's take a look at the status of block devices ↓

↑ Check with the lsblk command. /dev/sdb1 mounted to /mnt/pve/iso-data

With the operations so far, the directory iso-data has been configured to be able to store ISO images.

We will create Thinpool storage to store VMs in /dev/sdb2 next time.


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